Tag Archives: Screech



So this is the new sound at my house. It is at about 150 decibels, it is ear shattering and frays the nerves of everyone in our house. And it’s coming out of a tiny 16-pound baby.

I have raised 2 other little girls and I have never heard such a thing. Baby girl is 5 month old. She is a sweet-tempered, very easy baby. In fact she has been my dream baby. Then all of a sudden the screeeeeeeching started about 4 days ago. First we thought it was that she was really hungry (although she’s chubby enough she could probably live off of her own body fat for a week). Then we thought it was gas but when it continued after a few awesome poops we figured out that it wasn’t that.

And here’s the kicker, she doesn’t seem to be in that much distress. She can cry through the screech and then smile through the screech.

So, I spent an hour on google last night looking at the baby forums and who knew?!?!? This is a very common sound for babies to make at exactly 5 months as they are finding their voice and trying new sounds. Neither of my other girls did this so it is natural that I would think she was in distress. But I wanted to warn all of you new moms that if this happens to you don’t kill yourself trying to make your baby feel better. They are apparently fine and are actually having fun with the sound.

The Internet said to just enjoy the screech because it’ll be over before you know it. To which I say to the author of that site, “please email me your address, I will come into your bedroom and stick 20 mating cats in your bed while you are trying to sleep and see if you just enjoy the sound they make.”

I do feel better knowing this is a short phase. I am going to be spending my time talking to baby girl in goo’s and ga’s and mama’s and dada’s so she can see there are other fun sounds that are less likely to drive me to the nuthouse.

Did anyone else go through this with your kids and if so, how long did it last for you and do you have any advice? I am open to any and all suggestions.


Photo: rollercoaster.ie