Tag Archives: mothers day

On the Great Day of Mother’s Day My True Loves Gave to Me


To get an accurate picture of how my Mother’s Day went please sing this like the last verse of the TWELVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS.

On the great day of Mother’s Day my true loves gave to me…..
Two loads of laundry
Watching Ice Age twice
A shower with a toddler
One giant blowout
Puke on my shoulder
Crying over cereal
Doing my own dishes
One dooooooookie on the floooooooor
Lots of hugs and kisses
One sweet hubby
Blessings all around
And a cocktail at four-thirty


Photo: nowcom.wordpress.com

Dear Mom…


Dear Mom,

Thank you for
…teaching me how to have a sense of humor
…taking me to church
…picking me up when I fell, and then picking me up when I didn’t learn my lesson and I fell again
…having patience with me during the teen years
…showing me that I didn’t need a man, but that I should want a man
…potty training Anna and teaching her how to ride a bike
…sitting up late at night drinking wine with me and solving all of the world’s problems
…allowing me to fail and praising me when I succeeded
…teaching me the value of a strong work ethic
…Phoenix Open 2002 (ha! Inside joke)
…my Buick Skyhawk
…my college education
…showing me that a mom can be a friend and still scare the crap out of their kids when they need to
…being my mom and my dad all at the same time
…loving me no matter what